Let’s do business better in Basingstoke
Basingstoke Business for Good verification
*Basingstoke Business for Good verification is a collaboration between Destination Basingstoke and Brevity Marketing

As a local business in Basingstoke, we know you already take pride in our town and borough, and that you want to play an active role in making Basingstoke and Deane an even better place to live and work.
Basingstoke Business for Good verification 2025
From a business perspective, customers, suppliers and employees are increasingly looking for companies that put people and the planet on an equal footing with profit.
We’ve defined seven key areas where we think businesses can make a difference, and these broadly follow Brevity’s own values-driven approach and strong social purpose. To verify your organisation needs to achieve five out of the seven criteria.

Let’s do business better in Basingstoke
What does the verification involve?
Cost for the 2025 verification: £100+VAT for a business with 1-25 employees. £200+VAT for a business with over 25 employees.
Criteria for Basingstoke Business for Good verification 2025
Support local suppliers
Not all of the products and services we need to operate our businesses can be purchased locally. We ask you to aim, where you can, to utilise suppliers within a 50 mile radius of Basingstoke. This is important to support not only our local economy but reduce C02 emissions if your goods need to be shipped.
Pay fair
Join 15,000 UK business who believe their employees deserve a wage that meets everyday needs, and voluntarily pay your staff at least £12.60 an hour, the real living wage. Recent research by the Living Wage Foundation shows many of Britain’s 3.7m low paid workers are struggling, with 42% having less than £10 left each week after covering essential expenses, 39% having used a food bank in the past year and 32% have skipped meals for financial reasons.
Be inclusive
Increase your team’s understanding of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI). Your team must have been on an EDI awareness course in the last 2 years. EDI awareness training is vitally important to society. From racism and religious discrimination to hate crimes against the LGBTQ+ community. There’s a plethora of trouble in our society. Most of which occurs simply because people don’t take the time to understand each other. These troubles can flow into the workplace. They can be very evident or extremely subtle. Bias behaviours can also mean that teams don’t benefit from the diversity of a rich mix of people – all with their own life experiences that can be enriching for any company. Brevity will be offering EDI awareness training if required.
Attend People Planet Pint Basingstoke
Ensure members of your team regularly attend People Planet Pint networking events in Basingstoke. People Planet Pint Basingstoke is held six times a year at The Alchemy Wine bar at the top of town. It’s an informal environment to meet people in Basingstoke with an interest in sustainability and making Basingstoke a better place to live and work. You will be expected to attend at least 3/6 events in 2025.
Offer at least one paid volunteering/CSR day each year to every member of your team. Volunteering should take place in Basingstoke. From working in the Inspero community garden to supporting members of the The Pink Place, there are many charities in the local area who don’t just need donations, but our time too. Volunteering is a wonderful way to give back.
Go green!
Set staff a practical monthly sustainability challenge to help improve the environment and engage your team in living a greener lifestyle at home – we provide lots of ideas for challenges.
Download the Brevity 12 month Sustainability Challenge – download now.
Register your interest to become a verified ‘Basingstoke Business for Good’