Equality Diversity and Inclusion workshop

Happier healthier businesses – as standard

From racism to religious discrimination, gender pay gaps and hate crimes against the LGBTQ+ community. There’s a plethora of trouble in our society. Most of which occurs simply because people don’t take the time to understand each other.

These troubles can flow into the workplace. They can be very evident or extremely subtle. Bias behaviours can also mean that teams don’t benefit from the diversity of a rich mix of people – all with their own life experiences that can be enriching for any company.

Boosting business success starts with a happy and healthy workplace, and let’s face it, toxic environments thrive when people aren’t treated fairly and they don’t know how to communicate in the most appropriate way with people they see as ‘different.’

Aim of EDI training course

The aim of our EDI course it to equip you with valuable insights and tools to champion Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in your professional journey and in your personal life. Remember, fostering an inclusive workplace is a continuous effort that begins with self-awareness and commitment to change.

The course is delivered live by Kaia Vincent FCIM and equality specialist Priya Brown, but also includes videos and individual and group practicals:

  • Integrating video presentations and practical exercises throughout the course.
  • Enhancing engagement and understanding through real-life scenarios and case studies.
marketing services Hampshire

EDI workshop costs and structure

10% discount available

10% discount for Brevity customers, B Corporations, Basingstoke Ambassador Community members, Hampshire Chamber of Commerce members, Basingstoke Business for Good verified (BBFG) companies.

Course costs: £795+VAT for up to 12 delegates. Group workshops at Worting House, Basingstoke at a cost of £90+VAT per delegate.

  • Introduction to the course and participants
  • Setting the tone for open discussion and learning
Exploring change
  •  Reflecting on personal perspectives on change
  • Understanding the emotional response to change and its implications.
Understanding EDI
  • Defining EDI and its significance in modern workplaces
  • Stepping out of the drama triangle: Recognising and addressing conflict
Overview of EDI terminology
  • Exploring key concepts such as stereotyping, prejudice, labelling, protected characteristics, equal opportunities, and diversity.
  • Understanding the impact of these terms on EDI efforts.
Self reflection
  • Examining personal biases and perceptions through the concept of “Your echo chamber”
  • Recognising the importance of self-awareness in fostering inclusivity
Importance of EDI in business
  • Exploring the business case for EDI
  • Understanding how EDI contributes to organisational success and innovation
EDI in communications
  •  Strategies for promoting inclusive communication practices
  • Addressing barriers to effective communication in diverse teams
Improving EDI at work
  • Practical tips and techniques for enhancing EDI in the workplace
  • Developing action plans for implementing EDI initiatives.
EDI course quiz
  • Assessing knowledge gained through interactive quizzes
  • Reinforcing key concepts covered in the course
EDI workshop - Equality, Diversity & Inclusion workshop

Priya Brown – Workshop Facilitator

With 20 years of experience in industry, Priya is a skilled and qualified strategic marketer. She is passionate about promoting equality, diversity and inclusion; and is an active community volunteer and public speaker. She is the founder of women’s business support group, Boss Mamas; Governor at award-winning Basingstoke College of Technology; Communications Officer and Local Elections Candidate for the Women’s Equality Party in Basingstoke; Fundraising Executive at YPI Counselling; Member of the Basingstoke Hate Crime Awareness Group, BCOT Unity Group, Basingstoke Black Success Initiative and a Skillstree Ambassador for EBP South.

Got a question? Call us on 01256 536000 or email hello@brevity.marketing

Interest in our EDI Workshop?  Register your details here

We will be in touch to discuss more details about our course, pricing and suitable dates.